A downloadable Resource pack

Resource pack requires optifine to work!

This resource pack changes bees into bee girls.

They get chubby after eating too much nectar.

normal > Full of Nectar

You can name them, for example "firefly" to turn them into firefly girls. They also have glowing texture.

Full list of nametags is in screenshots.

Normal firefly > Full of Nectar

Feel free to make your own edits. Just credit me if you want to publish it.

Caroline, Pixie and Biscut belong to GumdropDraws

Beetrice belongs to PrincessSamoyed


chonky-bee-girls-1.5.zip 185 kB

Install instructions

-install optifine

-place resource pack in "resource packs" folder


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oh nvm ._. Mod: OptiFabric

what about ETF and CEM? does it work?

Yes it does

doesnt look too good ( im using both :( )

i dont have optifine but i have the bees ok

Does this mod work in Bedrock or only in Java?

Java only


what version dose this need to work?


From what I know 1.18.2 and up